*giggles* After yesterday's list, the question book decided to force me into thinking positively. Ok, I'll give that a try. I'm going with the list again.
1. I have a wonderful husband that loves me and cares for me, and is working his tail off to make our life better.
2. I have a home with a bank of windows and a view of the snow covered peaks of Mt. Tomori.
3. I have a couple of amazing friends that I love dearly, and that are always there to talk me though my down days.
4. I have no indoor pets. After house sitting for my parents for a few months this summer and caring for their little dog, this is a really great thing. No more pee.
5. My husband made me some really yummy curried potatoes, green beans, and chick peas today. Mmm.
6. We have electricity, almost always. This is something many people take for granted, but in Albania it's a rarity.
7. Hubby got a new student for private English tutoring, which will bring in a little more money. For food. :)
8. I have a tiny Christmas tree in our bedroom that I refuse to take down. It's cheery.
9. Hubby is letting me wear his warm winter hat with the pompom to bed, which is keeping me very warm.
10. I'm not out of hot chocolate mix YET.
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